- No mires lo grande de tu problema, sin o lo grande que es nuestro Dios.
- Encomiéndate a Dios en todo momento de tu vida.
- Pide a Dios que te ayude a usar los recursos y talentos que él te ha dado.
En este blog estoy compartiendo muchas de las cosas que Dios me da durante mi devociónal, así como comento de las cosas que me están ocurriendo a mi o mi familia, así como nuestra iglesia; Centro de Vida Victoriosa, y la iglesia en general. Este blog es un poco personal, divertido, e inspirado. Está enfocado en ayudarte a que tu relación con Jesús sea más firme, y te inspiré a servirle con pasión.
3 comentarios:
Pastor Carlos this word is so true because sometimes when we are going through strugles and times in need we always look at the negative stuff and have a negative attitude, but all this does is that it makes it worst for us. We should really try to look how God is going to solve our problems and be open minded about things.i believe that it's so important to trust the lord in everything we do because this si the only way we can get to where we want to! thank you for this word and all the teachings that you post on this blog page it really does help out. God bless you.
Good morning Sara!
thank you for your comments, i am glad you have find these teachings helpful for you life, that is my desired to be a blessing for others. I hope you can accomplish God's plan for your life, and be a blessing for your sister and mother. Also, i want you to work hard this year so you can open your cell this year, i know you can do it with his help.
carlos rincon
Yes I believe I can do it as well im going to work hard in all the areas of my life to acomplish God's plan in my life.
Thank you Pastor Carlos, Gos bless you.
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